A pioneer and leading voice in the advancement of medicinal cannabis therapeutics


Successful financial career


Debilitated from autoimmune disease


Finds relief from cannabis after near-death experience
Created first known cannabis concentrates or oil
Embarks on efficacy research for personal use


Glioblastoma tumors shrink after 7 weeks on Constance’s oil


Initial results from verified cancer outcome study published by SF Weekly


National expansion rollout begins


Expands into new lab and research facilities
Hires senior lab scientists
2 patents filed
300% revenue increase
Invited to speak to doctors and oncologists
Global request for product and partnerships

  • Pre-1996

    Successful financial career

  • 1996

    Debilitated from autoimmune disease

  • 2008–10

    Finds relief from cannabis after near-death experience
    Created first known cannabis concentrates or oil
    Embarks on efficacy research for personal use

  • 2012

    Glioblastoma tumors shrink after 7 weeks on Constance’s oil

  • 2013

    Initial results from verified cancer outcome study published by SF Weekly

  • 2014

    National expansion rollout begins

  • 2015

    Expands into new lab and research facilities
    Hires senior lab scientists
    2 patents filed
    300% revenue increase
    Invited to speak to doctors and oncologists
    Global request for product and partnerships

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